My Big Thing…
Is helping you live your best life:
Inspired and on purpose.
We can do this together by focusing
On your ultimate goals.

Career Design
Five billion people are of working age.
Three billion want a job, 1.3 billion have a job.
Almost nobody has a job that fits them.
Imagine if everybody had a job that fits them, everyone would be much happier and humanity would be creating many times more value than today. where do you fit in this equation?
In my career design coaching we work to establish your life purpose, your personal non-negotiables, these are things that need to be present in order for you to feel fulfilled, successful, and living in alignment and with purpose. from leadership positions to collaborative work, no longer will the question be “are you perfect for the job?” but the real question will be “is the job perfect for me?” let’s dive into the fun and excitement of your journey to discovering your own dream job!
Lifestyle Design
Life is short to not live it fully, passionately and with purpose.
We all have things we want to change and do differently in our lives. correspondingly, at one time or another, we may be experiencing major life changes. kristen minardos’ personal coaching can help to dynamically transcend limitations and circumstances or form better daily habits in order to attain higher personal growth. so then, what are you waiting for? realize it or not, you already have all the answers you need, it’s just that sometimes, you need just the right flashlight to find them.
Finding your purpose in life is the most rewarding and amazing experience. in my lifestyle design coaching, we work toward creating the life you really want to be living, in alignment with your own values. what would you create, be or do if you were living the life you imagine? let’s have fun while we create the life you dream of!

Kristen Minardos
Having already established a long track record in the two competitive fields of fashion advertising and pharmaceutical sales, kristen minardos recalibrated her life. through an authentic soul search, working with one of the nation’s top career coaches, debbie robins, minardos realized her own life’s purpose was to help others, besides herself, on their own movement ahead. this discovery was followed with a certified training period as a life coach through cti, the coaches training institute, to then start unlikely guru. kristen now helps others find their own path. focusing mostly on personal life coaching to attain all areas of satisfaction, for her, nothing is more rewarding than seeing people recognize their own life purpose and how to incorporate that into their own current lives, so they can live a big, bold life.
Having had the privilege to work under the mentorship of debbie robins, and using the coaching methods created by nicholas lore, founder of the rockport institute, kristen minardos has attained a unique blend for her own fun, candid and exuberant approach. having come full circle from figuring out what she wanted to do in life, to living it fully, she often expresses to her clients, “i’ve done all the work you’re doing, so i understand what you’re experiencing and feeling.” minardos brings lightness and laughter to her coaching, because, as she believes, life shouldn’t always be so serious!
Kristen’s work mostly consists of one-on-one coaching, helping clients understand their personal values, their purpose in life, as well as finding all those ingredients that will go into their own “secret sauce.” after exploring and learning about positive psychology and how our personal perspectives have a huge impact on our lives, she created her own 21-day habit program. because our daily habits are too weak to recognize until they become too strong to break, she established the program to help support her clients in creating these new habits in all areas of their lives.
While life is often running in the fast lane. for kristen, as well as for her clients, her work is about finally finding the balance in it all and ultimately authentically living the life she dreams about.
Kristen lives between napa valley and santa monica, california, with her husband, two sons and great dane.